Every Christmas we go over to my Grandpa and Grandma Guest's house (right next door to my parents). We have a Christmas program, eat and exchange gifts with extended family members.I Like Punch.
This is all of us, my brother, my two sisters and their husbands, Torry and me. It's been fun having us all together.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Christmas Eve
Arriving in Montana
Elaina immediately warmed up to her cousin Haley. They are only 13 days apart and it's like having twins around. They took turns riding up front as my dad pushed them around. Decorating sugar cookies. Elaina had fun putting the sprinkles on.
My brand new neice! She is only 2 weeks old and so, so cute! I feel bad for my sister - she is nursing all the time.
Christmas Day with the Johnson Family
We pretended that the 21st of December was Christmas with the Johnson side, because we were leaving the next day for Montana. We went to Osaka for lunch (our favorite Japanese restaurant in Provo). Elaina got the coolest kid's meal in a boat.Elaina kept crawling under the rug in the living room - she seemed to think that it made a good blanket.
We cooked Christmas dinner - complete with ham, cheesy potatoes and homemade rolls. We sang Christmas songs, read the Christmas story and opened presents from Torry's parents.
Elaina got a cool new tent, that she loved. As soon as it was set up, she had everyone get inside with her.
A visit with Grandma Powell
Stuffed Animals for abused Children
Grandma Payne
Utah Guest Family Christmas Party
Johnson Family Christmas Party
Elaina is in love with her cousin Brock. As soon as she saw him, she had him by the finger and having him follow her around. He loves her too - he says he wants a little sister just like her.
Our family played the white elephant game - I ended up with a cork screw opener. Yeh! Just what I needed.
Elaina got lucky (I think our aunt planted the gift just for her and made sure she opened it) She is ready for St. Patricks Day!
Christmas at Temple Square
I didn't get a lot of great pictures, but we had a wonderful time looking at the lights. Normally it is too crowded to enjoy, but we went on a Thursday night during the MTB choir Christmas concert and the place was practically deserted. Elaina loved looking at the Christis and we ended going up there twice during our visit. She is so cute!
Elaina's favorite snack
Fun at the Johnson house
I'll be home for Christmas
As many of you know, going home for Christmas isn't optional for our family. I look forward to this time with my family and letting Elaina get reacquainted with her Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Elaina was so excited to ride an airplane. She was so good through the whole experience. I usually get uncomfortable looks from fellow passangers as we board the plane and then end up receiving complements at the end of the flight for how good our child is. I think I lucked out with Elaina. I hope our little boy will be equally as good.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
My girls like to party all the time (posted by Torry)
So I spent some time last week doing my other job (full time student is job #1, but assistant to the POLO co-chair is job #2) all for what turned out to be a pretty cool party. As Heather predicted, the graham cracker gingerbread houses turned out to be a big hit, and not just because of the vast amounts of candy at that table that were easily in the reach of even the smallest kids. Elaina ate about half the M&Ms in the bucket (the little baby blue thing there) and crashed hard from a dizzying sugar high (a low-altitude orbit sugar high) in the car on the way home. However, that crash resulted from the 5 minutes that I watched her like a hawk and kept her away from chocolate. 5 minutes later, she was back on another sugar high (from the chocolate she ate after I got tired of following her) and we struggled to get her down for a nap.
She had a lot of fun decorating this house, and it turned out pretty cool, but she really just wanted to eat the candy rather than build the house. Unsurprisingly, she also can't figure out why we have this candy-covered house on our table and we just want to look at it, not eat it. Let's just say there are some gumdrop fences on the property that are in need of mending.
My Awesome Friends

First of all, thanks to Anita and Breanne for throwing me a beautiful baby shower! The food was delicious and everyone had a great time. Thanks also to everyone who came and helped us celebrate - it wouldn't have been the same without any one of you. I am truly blessed to have such great friends here in Chicago.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
So get yourself a can of Pork Soda!
Ever wondered what the famous Jones Soda holiday flavors actually taste like? So have I, yet I'm way too cheap to spend money on something like that. So instead I found this amusing review of this year's Christmas flavors. You still won't know what they taste like, but it is an entertaining read:
"Imagine a Christmas ham, sealed in plastic and defrosting in the fridge. Imagine the cloudy ham water that leaks out of it and sits in the bottom of the plastic when you unwrap the ham. Imagine it carbonated and sweetened. Imagine putting it into your mouth and manfully fighting the automatic gag reflex. Imagine belching it and tasting it again for the next half-hour."